Stainless Steel Pipe-fittings

The Russian Industrial Exhibition held 16 enterprises from Shaanxi JIADE In 2024 From July 8 to 11, 2024, the Russian Industrial Exhibition 2024 (INNOPROM 2024) was successfully held in Yekaterinburg, Russia. The Russian Industrial Fair (INNOPROM), held annually since 2010, is one of the largest and most influential industrial exhibitions in Russia and the CIS region. The exhibition covers a total area of 50,000 square meters, divided into four pavilions, exhibitors from Russia, the United Arab Emirates, China, Belarus, five Central Asian countries, Hungary and other countries a total of more than 900 enterprises. During the exhibition, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishuskin, Prime Ministers of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan visited the exhibition. In this exhibition, the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce joined hands with Shaanxi

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What is TC4 titanium alloy?

What is TC4 titanium alloy, TC4 titanium alloy performance/application explanation What is the material of TC4 titanium alloy, alloy materials have a very important position today, from light industry to heavy industry, from low-end to high-end fields are inseparable from alloy materials. Titanium alloy is a very good alloy material, with a lot of characteristics, TC4 titanium alloy is one of them, today Shanghai titanium alloy manufacturers will take you to understand what TC4 titanium alloy is made of, let’s take a look. TC4 titanium alloy is a medium-strength α-β type two-phase titanium alloy with the characteristics of low density, high specific strength, high heat resistance, etc., which is widely used in aerospace and chemical industries. TC4 titanium alloy is the world’s most widely used two-phase

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316L stainless steel pipe welding process

316L stainless steel pipe welding  process 316L stainless steel has good resistance to chloride erosion, so it is usually used in the marine environment. Stainless steel pipe with the development of social and economic development, its application has been more and more widely popularized. For the Qinhuangdao Port Authority Oil Terminal Pipeline Laying Project using 316L stainless steel pipeline with a total length of 1630m, about 280 welded joints are equal wall thickness pipe welding, according to the welding properties of the steel to select the performance of the welding material to match the performance of the steel. In accordance with the relevant technical requirements of the welding process test and evaluation, the welding process has been successfully applied to the construction site. 1. Test material Base material

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Tungsten and molybdenum materials are used and applied in the field

Beginning in the 20th century, some chemical elements that could not be used in the past began to play an important role in industry, and these chemical elements are collectively known as rare elements or rare metals. Most rare metals were discovered in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, so their industrial application was later than other commonly used metals, but many of the rare metals have long since become commonly used in modern industrial technology. Tungsten (W), molybdenum (Mo) and its alloy materials in the VI. subgroup of Mendeleev periodic system are rare metal materials with high melting point, tungsten and molybdenum are widely used in electronics, medical, glass, iron and steel metallurgy and other industries because of their unique high melting point,

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how to refill gas in refrigerator KIC ?

how to refill gas in refrigerator KIC? To refill gas in a refrigerator, it is important to note that handling refrigerant gases can be dangerous and should be done by a qualified professional. However, I can provide you with a general overview of the process. Here are the steps involved in refilling gas in a refrigerator: Safety Precautions: Ensure that you are wearing protective gloves, goggles, and working in a well-ventilated area. Locate the Access Valve: In most refrigerators, the access valve is located at the back near the compressor. It may be covered by a plastic or metal cap. Prepare the Refrigerant: Identify the appropriate refrigerant type required for your refrigerator. The commonly used refrigerants are R-134a and R-22. Ensure that you have the

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Thermoformed steel is the promoter of electric transformation of automobile

In recent years, driven by the “dual carbon” strategic goal, lightweight materials have been further developed and applied. Since the local mass production of the second-generation aluminum-silicon coated hot-formed steel Uisbor 2000 and Ductibor 1000 in 2019, the application proportion of many new models has increased year by year in just a few years. How do these two materials stand out among many lightweight materials and become the new “group pet”?Feb. 22, Hefei, China. VAMA Customer Technical Support Minister Yang Zheng shared the latest hot forming technology and lightweight application results in the industry with many automotive manufacturing experts at the AEE2023 Automotive Technology Annual Meeting, with the theme of “Introduction of the second generation of aluminum silicon coated hot forming steel products and applications”. Thanks

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